It starts with a Vision

Create your future

I am working my way through a book called The 12 Week Year. On the surface, it’s about productivity, but it’s really about creating a clear, deeply resonating vision for what you want and then identifying and taking the steps necessary to bring it to reality. I highly recommend it.

Confronting the truth about a situation allows us to make necessary changes and move forward toward our ultimate goal.

One of the main components is confronting the truth. Every Monday my group has a check-in where we go over what happened the week before, what went well, what didn’t, and what changes or tweaks need to be made for the upcoming week. It’s a quick and effective meeting that leaves people energized and inspired to get going.

Last night, America had a big counting and now it is time to confront the truth about where we are and where we want to be. Our country is made up of individuals, and those individuals create a whole. There are many groups that feel left out. How do we create a country that includes everyone? In my opinion, by starting back with the individual.


Try this exercise: Make 3 columns and write HAVE – DO – BE at the top of each. Then brainstorm about all the things you would like to have in life. Have fun with it. Be bold. The things that come up a lot are things that are probably important to you. Note them. Allow them to inspire you to change your behavior and get closer to the life you are dreaming of. Allow last night to inspire you to go bigger, be bolder, and bring your vision into reality.

Until next month,
